
AdorAfrika Features

Millions of tracks

Dive into a vast array of African music genres with millions of tracks at your fingertips.

Ancestry stories

Explore captivating narratives that unveil the diverse cultures and histories that shape Africa.


Celebrate African greatness through powerful stories honoring iconic figures and their achievements.

Bedtime stories

Wind down with culturally rich bedtime tales for all ages, making bedtime a delightful journey.

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Locked stories

Access exclusive and premium content, unveiling hidden gems and rare recordings.


Immerse yourself in African literature with a curated collection of classic and contemporary eBooks.

Live streaming

Experience the energy of African music in real-time with live streaming events and concerts.

Premium Subscription

Elevate your experience with ad-free streaming, exclusive content, and personalized features through our premium subscription.

AdorAfrika is an online streaming african music and ancestry stories sharing platform.

Push your music for FREE !!

Studios and individual artists can upload their music on AdorAfrika.

3 easy steps for you
  • Register your studio or join us
  • Wait till approval of the account
  • Upload your artists' music for free and make them earn money!

Locked Stories

Keep your stories exclusive. Lock content and share access only with chosen individuals for a personalized and private experience.


Flexible Plans

Get Free Trial subscription plan to experience AdorAfrika App.



What you'll get


What you'll get

Unlimited streaming with no ads
Offline listening
Sing along with lyrics
Premium Badge
and much more coming soon...

App screenshots

Beautifull interface and modern UI